Luis Resendiz Portfolio

Hi there!
I'm Luis Resendiz.

And this is my portfolio...


Data Analytics Professional Certificate

Escuela de Data Science e
                    Inteligencia Artificial

Escuela de Data Science e Inteligencia Artificial

Project Portfolio


A web app to evaluate restaurant service quality, the waiter gives the client a device with this page open so they can rate the service. Also you can check your rating stats and records. Built with Svelte

Industrial Casting Product Classifier

A classifier of industrial cast parts using CNNs.


Cyclistic Project Capstone

The final project in the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate course in Coursera. Coded in R.


Greenhouse Gases Mexico History

A viz in Tableau Public showing the evolution of the GHG emissions from 1990 to 2010 with multiple responsive filters.


Datacademy Final Project

My final submission to the Datacademy challenge by Platzi. It's an EDA of the top 25 retailers in USA.


Mexican Pueblos Magicos Exploratory Data Analysis

An EDA of Pueblos Magicos of Mexico, using data visualization and geographic info.


Digit Recognizer RF&NN

A notebook explaining how to make a Digit Recognizer using random forest and neural network classifiers



A marketplace developed with React and Web3.js to mint and trade nfts. The smart contracts written in Solidity were deployed in the Polygon Testnet. COMING SOON.


About Me.

I'm a Computer Systems Engineer studying a Masters in Data Science. I have previous experience in Industrial Automation, but now I focus in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

I'm passionate for Data and I have enrolled and finished several courses including a Professional Certificate in Data Analysis by Google.

Skills: Python SQL JavaScript Tensorflow Tableau


BE. Computer Systems.

Universidad Tecnológica Latinoamericana en Línea.

BE. Mechatronics.

Universidad Tecnológica Latinoamericana en Línea.

MSc. Data Science for Business.

Universidad Tecnológica Latinoamericana en Línea.

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.” –Forrest Gump.